by fightingthefish | Mar 18, 2018 | video
Big Bass Stacked Under Docks! The game plan was musky fishing until our arms fall off. After hours and hours of not seeing a fish and just not feeling it, we switch gears and move from Little Green Lake to Fox Lake. On Fox Lake, we started throwing for big pike and...
by fightingthefish | Mar 18, 2018 | video
Giant Opening Day Large Mouth Water temps have not even reached 50 degrees yet and we have been struggling to catch bass this day. Just as we where about to leave the lake Leo Morris hooked into a 20 inch large mouth while throwing a Fighting The Fish Spinner Bait. ...
by fightingthefish | Mar 17, 2018 | video
In this video, I take the girls out fishing to Big Green Lake. I tried to focus on getting numbers in the boat instead of looking for the big bites. This is the second video I have done with the girls and both times we had an absolute blast! I can’t wait to...
by fightingthefish | Mar 17, 2018 | video
Salmon fishing in Port Washington was something I did as a young kid and I wanted to give my son an opportunity to hook into a giant. It took us 10 hours of trial and error before we figured out how to get these monsters to bite. We ended up catching a couple of...
by fightingthefish | Mar 17, 2018 | video
It’s my birthday fishing weekend. My son Leo and I travel to Milwaukee to fish with trout fishing master Eric Haataja. It was an epic day of battling GIANT trout through the ice. All fish caught on the Haat Rod, a custom trout fishing rod designed by Eric...
by fightingthefish | Mar 17, 2018 | video
This is why I need to stick to bass fishing! I caught this 40 inch monster on a Fighting the Fish spinner bait. This is one of the craziest things that have happened to me while fishing. I ended up with 4 stitches and Leo had 3 stitches. I have handled big muskies...